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What is the AHU coil temperature?

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-17      Origin: Site

What is the AHU coil temperature?

The temperature of the AHU (air handling unit) coil can vary depending on the specific HVAC system and the application. The AHU coil is typically connected to a refrigeration system or a chilled water system, which cools the coil and in turn cools the air that passes over it.

For chilled water coils, the temperature of the coil can range from around 35 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit (1.7 to 7.2 degrees Celsius), depending on the desired indoor temperature and humidity levels. The chilled water temperature is controlled by the chiller plant and is typically set based on the cooling load of the HVAC system.

For direct expansion (DX) coils, the temperature of the coil can vary depending on the type of refrigerant used and the desired indoor temperature and humidity levels. The refrigerant temperature is controlled by the HVAC system's compressor and expansion valve, which regulate the flow and pressure of the refrigerant circulating through the coil.

In general, the temperature of the AHU coil is an important factor in the performance and efficiency of the HVAC system. A properly cooled coil is essential for achieving the desired level of cooling and dehumidification, while also minimizing energy use and operating costs. The specific coil temperature will depend on the requirements of the HVAC system and the specific application.

AHU Cooling Coil (2)


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