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Steam Coils for Palm Oil Heating

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-24      Origin: Site

Steam Coils for Palm Oil Heating

Steam coils are often required in the palm oil production process. A steam coil is a heat exchange device used for heating and cooling, using steam or hot water to transfer heat.

In palm oil production, steam coils are mainly used for the following purposes:

Heating: Steam coils can be used to heat palm oil at different stages of the process, for example during extraction, steam coils can provide heat to warm the pulp in the palm fruit mixing drums to facilitate the separation of the oils.

Hot Water Sterilisation: Steam coils can also be used to heat hot water to sterilise the palm oil to ensure a hygienic quality product.

Cooling: Steam coils can be used to cool palm oil at different stages in the processing of palm oil. For example, during the refining process, hot palm oil can be cooled by means of steam coils to control the temperature of the oil and bring it to the desired quality.

Steam coils transfer heat to or absorb heat from palm oil through the heat transfer of steam or hot water to meet the heating and cooling needs of the palm oil production process. This helps to optimise the efficiency and quality of palm oil production.

Palm Oil Steam Coil 2Palm Oil Steam Coil


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