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Difference between evaporator coil and condenser coil

Views: 3     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-05-02      Origin: Site

The distinction between an evaporator coil and a condenser coil

An air conditioning or refrigeration system's evaporator coil and condenser coil are two critical components. Although they both play critical roles, they operate in different ways and serve various functions within the system. The following are the distinctions between the evaporator coil and the condenser coil:

1. Purpose:

Evaporator Coil: The evaporator coil's principal duty is to absorb heat from the indoor air or the refrigerated room. It accomplishes this by exchanging heat with the refrigerant that flows through it. The heat absorbs by the refrigerant in the evaporator coil causes it to evaporate and transform from a low-pressure liquid to a low-pressure gas.

Condenser Coil: On the other hand, the condenser coil is in charge of releasing the heat absorbed by the refrigerant during the evaporation process. It accomplishes this by exchanging heat with the surrounding air. The heat is released by the refrigerant in the condenser coil, causing it to condense and transform from a high-pressure gas to a high-pressure liquid.

2. Situation:

Evaporator Coil: The evaporator coil is often found inside an air conditioning system's indoor unit or inside the refrigerated chamber of a refrigerator or freezer.

Condenser Coil: A condenser coil is typically found outside of a building or in an air conditioning system's outside unit.

3. Thermocouple temperature:

The evaporator coil runs at a lower temperature than the condenser coil. This is due to the fact that it absorbs heat from the surrounding air, causing the temperature of the air to drop as it passes through the coil.

Condenser Coil: The condenser coil heats up faster than the evaporator coil. This is due to the fact that it releases the heat absorbed by the refrigerant, causing the temperature of the air to rise as it passes through the coil.

4. State of the refrigerant:

Evaporator Coil: As the refrigerant absorbs heat from the interior air or refrigerated environment, it converts from a liquid to a gaseous condition in the evaporator coil.

Condenser Coil: The refrigerant in the condenser coil converts from a gaseous to a liquid condition as it discharges heat to the external air.

In conclusion, the evaporator coil and condenser coil are two important components of an air conditioning or refrigeration system that work together to transfer heat. The evaporator coil collects heat from the indoor air or refrigerated room and converts the refrigerant from liquid to gas, while the condenser coil releases heat to the outdoor air and converts the refrigerant from gas to liquid.

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